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Professor Susana Marcos (University of Rochester, New York):Ophthalmic imaging: from Optical bench to the eye care clinic
May 25, 2022 @ 4:30 pm
Speaker: Professor Susana Marcos (University of Rochester, New York)
Title: Ophthalmic imaging: from Optical bench to the eye care clinic
Video: Click here to play
Abstract: The eye is an exquisite optical system, but the optical image projected on the retina becomes blurred as a result of different very prevalent ocular conditions (myopia, presbyopia, keratoconus…). I will present custom-developed optical technologies (3D fully quantitative OCT, aberrometry, second harmonic generation microscopy, optical coherence optical coherence elastography, adaptive optics visual simulators) that allow characterizing the optical, mechanical and geometrical properties of the ocular components, and connect morphology, retinal and perceived image quality. These relations have served us as inspiration for developing and optimizing correction alternatives(intraocular lenses, surgical procedures. Several of these technologies have made their way to the clinical practice and are used for diagnostics and treatment.
Bio: Susana Marcos is the Nicholas George Professor of Optics and the David Williams Director of the Center for Visual Science (CVS) at the University of Rochester in NY. She is a pioneer in the development of new techniques for the evaluation of the eye, including retinal imaging instruments, aberrometers, adaptive optics, anterior segment imaging of the eye and intraocular lens designs.
Dr. Marcos earned her Bachelor and PhD degrees in Physics at the University of Salamanca, Spain. Before coming to Rochester, she was Director of the Institute of Optics, CSIC (2008-2012), Spain, and Professor of Research at CSIC, where she founded the Visual Optics and Biophonics Lab in 2000. Prior to her tenure at CSIC, she was a postdoctoral Fellow (funded by Fulbright and Human Frontier Fellowships) at the Schepens Eye Research Institute (Harvard Medical School).
In July 2021 she was appointed Director of CVS, with dual affiliation in Optics and in Ophthalmology at the University of Rochester. She holds a “Viculated Doctorship” at the Institute of Optics, where she supervises a multidisciplinary, international team of more than 25 members. Her research programs at the University of Rochester address emerging technologies for myopia, presbyopia and cataract corrections.
Recognitions to her work include the Adolph Lomb Medal (Optical Society), ICO Prize (International Commission for Optics), Doctor Honoris Causa by the Ukraine Academy of Science and Technology, OSA Fellow, EOS Fellow, ARVO Fellow, Alcon Research Institute Award, Borish Scholar Award (Indiana University), Physics, Innovation and Technology Award (Royal Spanish Society of Physics-BBVA Foundation), Honor Plate of the Spanish Association of Scientists, Julio Pelaez Award to Women Engineers (Tatiana Perez de Guzman el Bueno Foundation), Ramón y Cajal Medal (Royal Academy of Sciences), King Jaime I Award, and National Research Award in Engineering (Government of Spain), the two latter awarded by the King of Spain.