Dr. Bernard Kress (Google): “Display architectures for all-day-use smart eyewear”
April 2 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Speaker: Dr. Bernard Kress (Google)
Title: Display architectures for all-day-use smart eyewear
Abstract: “What comes first? hardware or use case? While a decade ago (Google Glass era) we might have leaned towards “hardware first” and then hoping that developers would come up with killer apps, today it is clear that for a strong consumer adoption there needs to be a generic use case dictating the right hardware to deliver the right experience.
We will see how generic personal AI assistant use cases dictate the right display hardware for all-day-use smart eyewear, allowing the right experience and solving all comfort requirements: wearable, visual and social.”
Bio:Bernard has been involved in the field of optics and photonics for the past 30 years first as a university professor in France then as a serial entrepreneur in the silicon valley and more recently as director of engineering in AR/VR at large corporations such as Google (Google Glass) and Microsoft (Hololens, IVAS).
He is also the general chair of the SPIE AR|VR|MR and SPIE Digital Optical Technologies conferences and moderates monthly webinars on AR\VR. He was elected to the Presidential chain of the SPIE in 2021, the International Society for Optics and Photonics.
He wrote a few books on micro-optics, published papers and is listed as the main inventor on >75 patents worldwide on various topics related to optical technologies.
Bernard is currently the Director of Optical Engineering at Google AR in Mountain View.