2020 Annual Meeting of the Stanford Center for Image Systems Engineering (SCIEN)

November 20, 2020

1:30 - 5:30 pm, online

This year's SCIEN Industry Affiliates Meeting featured talks by three new faculty members from the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Departments. Video recordings of the talks, which took place on Zoom, can be found here. 

The meeting included a poster session featuring an amazing array of new ideas in computational imaging and image systems engineering. The posters were presented using gather.town by graduate students and postdocs from several departments, including the School of Engineering and the School of Medicine.  Poster abstracts can be found here and poster pdfs can be found by going to the gather.town site.  Company poster awards can be found here.

Registration was free and open to all employees of Stanford Industry Affiliate Member companies, as well as Stanford faculty, research staff and students. 

1:30 - 1:45 pmWelcome and Introduction
(see video recording beginning at time = 0)
Dr. Bernd Girod, Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and SCIEN Faculty Co-Director
Dr. Gordon Wetzstein, Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and SCIEN Faculty Co-Director
Dr. Joyce Farrell, SCIEN Executive Director
1:45 - 2:15 pmSimulating Human Motion and Physical World for Robot Learning
(see video recording beginning at time = 9:30)
Dr. Karen Liu, Associate Professor of Computer Science
2:15 - 2:45 pmAI for rendering and de-rendering
(see video recording beginning at time = 50:00)
Dr. Jiajun Wu, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
2:45 - 3:15 pmNanoscale Control of Light and Energy
(see video recording beginning at time = 1:28:32)
Dr. Dan Congreve, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
3:15 - 3:30 pmIntroduction to Gather.town
(see video recording beginning at 1:58:40)

Poster Peek Previews
(see video recording beginning at 2:03)
Poster Session Moderators: Manu Gopakumar and Qingqing Zhao
3:30 - 5:30 pmPoster Presentations
Link to abstracts for poster presentations

Link to Company Poster Awards
Company Apple logoCompany facebook logoCompany Google logoCompany Luxxotica logoCompany Magic-Leap logoCompany Qualcomm logoCompany Seagate logoCompany SK Hynix logoCompany sony logo