Fellow-Mentor-Advisory Program

The Fellow-Menter-Advisor (FMA) Program creates a close partnership between industry members and individual research labs. The Company identifies a faculty (Advisor) and student (Fellow) who are working on research with particular relevance to the Company. The Company assigns a scientist/engineer ( Mentor) to interact directly with the student Fellow and faculty Advisor. An additional fee ($90K per year ) is required to cover the student’s stipend and tuition costs.

Stanford University Policies affecting Industrial Affiliates Program Members  states that ""Affiliate Program members may provide additional funding. All research results arising from the use of the additional funding will be shared with all program members and the general public.  Affiliate Program members may request the additional funding be used to support a particular area of program research identified on the program’s website, or the program research of a named faculty member, as long as the faculty is identified on the program website as participating in the Affiliate Program. In either instance, the director of the Affiliate Program will determine how the additional funding will be used in the program’s research."