Faculty Members

Jeannette Bohg

Perception for autonomous robotic manipulation and grasping; developing methods that are goal-directed, real-time and multi-modal such that they can provide meaningful feedback for execution and learning.

Mark Brongersma

Nanoscale electronic and photonic materials and devices. Guiding and manipulation of light in metal-optic structures. - Optical properties of semiconductor nanocrystals. - Optical sensors for bio-applications.

Emmanuel Candes

Compressive sensing, mathematical signal processing, computational harmonic analysis, statistics, scientific computing

E.J. Chichilnisky

Functional circuitry of the primate retina and design of retinal prosthesis.

David Donoho

Theoretical and computational statistics, signal processing and harmonic analysis. Applications include methods for the construction of low-dimensional representations for high-dimensional data problems (multiscale geometric analysis), developments of wavelets for denoising and compressed sensing.

Abbas El Gamal

Network information theory, Field Programmable Gate Array, and digital imaging devices and systems.

Ron Fedkiw

Computational fluid dynamics and solid mechanics, computer graphics, computer vision and computational biomechanics

Bernd Girod

Communication of digital images, including compression and transmission of video over the Internet, digital watermarking to protect intellectual property, 3-D image analysis and synthesis, and architecture of multimedia systems.

Joe Goodman

Fourier Optics, Statistical Optics and the study of speckle. Prof. Goodman and Prof. Wandell initiated the Image Systems Engineering Program at Stanford in 1996.

Leo Guibas

Computational geometry, geometric modeling, computer graphics, computer vision, robotics, ad hoc communication and sensor networks, biocomputation, and discrete algorithms.

Pat Hanrahan

Rendering algorithms, high performance graphics architectures, and systems support for graphical interaction; raster graphics systems, computer animation and modeling and scientific visualization, in particular, volume rendering.

Mark Horowitz

Multiprocessor design, graphics IO, and high-speed electrical and photonic links, and circuit issues in scaled technology; EE analysis methods to biological systems.

Andrew Huberman

Brain function, development and repair with emphasis on 1) regeneration to prevent and cure blindness, and 2) neural circuits that control visual fear and anxiety

Doug James

Research Interests: Computer graphics, computer sound, physically based modeling and animation, and reduced-order physics models.

Sean Follmer

Human Computer Interaction, Haptics, and Human Robot Interaction exploring the design of novel tactile physical interfaces and novel robotic devices.

Fei-Fei Li

Computer vision and human vision, with emphasis on object recognition, scene categorization and understanding, human motion recognition, material recognition, etc.

Andrew Ng

Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Unsupervised feature learning and Deep learning, Neuroscience-informed AI.

Kayvon Fatahalian

High-performance visual computing systems that enable immersive and intelligent visual computing applications.

Dwight Nishimura

New acquisition and processing techniques for improved medical imaging.

Anthony Norcia

Interaction between visual experience and the structure and function of the brain using a combination of direct, but non-invasive measures of the brain's electrical activity along with psychophysics to study how the brain processes visual images.

Allison Okamura

Haptics, teleoperation, virtual environments and simulators, medical robotics, neuromechanics and rehabilitation, prosthetics, and engineering education.

Brad Osgood

Efficient sampling and reconstruction techniques for discrete signals Geometry and combinatorics for families of higher dimensional Bezier curves Analysis and geometry of two-dimensional harmonic maps and their lifts to minimal surfaces.

Daniel Palanker

Interaction of electric field and light with biological cells and tissues, and their applications to medicine and biology.

John Pauly

Medical imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in particular, Image reconstruction algorithms, Cardiac imaging, Image guided minimally invasive therapies.

Silvio Savarese

Research interests include computer vision, robotic perception and machine learning.

Brian Wandell

Image system engineering and visual neuroscience Prof. Wandell and Prof. Goodman initiated the Image Systems Engineering Program at Stanford in 1996.

Tsachy Weissman

Information theory and its applications to data compression and communications, and statistical signal processing.

Gordon Wetzstein

Computational imaging and display systems, as well as computational light transport.

Dan Yamins

Neuroscience, artificial intelligence, psychology and large-scale data analysis.

Howard Zebker

Spaceborne radar systems and the application of remote sensing data to problems in geophysics. His current emphasis is on interferometric radar for topographic and surface deformation studies of earthquakes, volcanoes, and global environmental problems.