Graduate Program
The Stanford Center for Image Systems Engineering includes members of the Engineering and Science faculty at Stanford University who jointly advise graduate students in the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The faculty also support a multidisciplinary curriculum designed to train engineers in the mathematical, computational, and experimental aspects of imaging systems.
The masters’ level curriculum is based on the belief that the engineering skills required for working within the digital imaging pipeline — including methods of acquiring, transforming, and displaying image data — form a coherent area of engineering and scientific inquiry. The curriculum forms the basis of an area specialization within the Electrical Engineering Masters Program.
Courses taught within this area specialization (imaging systems) have been supported by generous equipment donations from FengYun Vision Technologies, GoPro, Hewlett-Packard , Intel, Nikon, Samsung and Sharp Research Labs in America. The imaging devices and computing equipment from these donations are used in the laboratory components of these classes and are housed in the Image Systems Engineering laboratory in the David Packard Building.