Stanford Center for Image Systems Engineering Industry Affiliates Meeting 2015

1:00 - 6 :00pm on December 4, 2015



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Click here to view abstracts for the Poster Presentations

Click here to view recordings of the speakers


Time Event   Location
1-1:15 pm Welcome Professor Bernd Girod (Faculty Director) 
Dr. Joyce E. Farrell (Executive Director)
Packard 101
1:15 - 1:45 pm "From Pixels to Information - 
Recent Advances in Visual Search"
Professor Bernd Girod Packard 101
1:45 - 2:15 pm "Optical strategies for health care diagnostics" Professor Audrey (Ellerbee) Bowden Packard 101
2:15 -2:45 pm "Recent advances in computational imaging and display" Professor Gordon Wetzstein Packard 101
2:45 pm - 3:15 pm "Rethinking the image processing pipeline" Professor Brian Wandell Packard 101
3:30 - 6 pm Poster Presentations Stanford Graduate Students 
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Packard Atrium

To view list of Posters, click here

To view photos, click here.

To view videos, click here.